昨年9月末から10月にかけて相次ぐ台風被害にあったフィリピンの災害支援を呼びかけ、年明けに災害見舞金を送りました。そのうち、移住労働者を支援しているミグランテインターナショナル(Migrante International)からお礼のメールが届きました。(男性は議長のGarry C. Martinezさん。女性はミグランテが下院議員に推薦したコリーさん)
Dear Mr Kurematsu,
It is very heartening to know that we have friends like you who have shown us sincere support and solidarity for migrant issues and concerns.
Please find below the electronic copy of the official receipt for the donation of Y100,000 (P50,700.00) your organization has given Migrante International.
We thank you for the most generous donation. This will be used for our Migrant Assistance program which handles an average of 3-5 cases a day. This program provides assistance to OFWs in distress and their families which ranges from assisting/representing the migrants in government agencies to file/follow-up thier cases, contacting their families, providing them with para-legal and para-counseling assistance among others...
We hope this will also be the start of a mutually beneficial partnership with your organization and we would only be too glad to host the visits of your members. We can also design educational exposure programs for your organization to help in raising their awareness regarding the plight of migrants in general and OFWs in particular.
We shall also be providing you with updates of regarding our activities.
Sincerely in solidarity,
Rina Anastacio
Member, Executive Committee
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